Reception Week Beginning 9.5.22

Facts about the earth - solar systemThis week, Reception have continued learning and sharing their  knowledge about space. They found out the following facts:

1) One million Earths could fit inside the sun – and the sun is considered an average-size star.

2) For years it was believed that Earth was the only planet in our solar system with liquid water. More recently, NASA revealed its strongest evidence yet that there is intermittent running water on Mars, too!

3) Comets are leftovers from the creation of our solar system about 4.5 billion years ago – they consist of sand, ice and carbon dioxide.

4) You wouldn’t be able to walk on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune because they have no solid surface!

5) If you could fly a plane to Pluto, the trip would take more than 800 years!

6) Space junk is any human-made object orbiting Earth that no longer serves a useful purpose. Scientists estimate there are about 500,000 pieces of space junk today, including fragments from rockets and satellites, and everyday items like spanners dropped during construction of the International Space Station!

7) An asteroid about the size of a car enters Earth’s atmosphere roughly once a year – but it burns up before it reaches us. Phew!

8) The highest mountain known to man is on an asteroid called Vesta. Measuring a whopping 22km in height, it is three times as tall as Mount Everest!

9) There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth. That’s at least a billion trillion!

10) The sunset on Mars appears blue.

Thy enjoyed learning about the different planets in our solar system by listening to this song:

After listening to this song a couple of times, some children made the solar system from rocks and used it along with some rockets for imaginary play.

In English, the children heard the wonderful story  ‘How to Catch a Star’. Everyone discussed and then wrote about how they would catch a star.

In Maths, the children had fun participating in lots of spatial reasoning activities. These activities included matching simple shape arrangements to their friend’s model or picture. The class were amazing at this!

We are looking forward to the sunny, warm weather that is forecast for next week. Please make sure that your child comes to school with their water bottle, a named hat and wearing sun cream.

Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team

Summer 1 Week 4

In Maths, we have been learning to find fractions of amounts. The children have learnt to draw bar models to solve fraction problems. Children have realised the importance of knowing times tables to support them in lots of maths learning.

In English, the children have been excited to read  Iron Man By Ted Hughes. They have been identifying similes and adjectives to use in their own writing. The children wrote wonderful riddles to describe the Iron man using the vocabulary they had learnt.

In Religion, we have been reading the story from Luke’s Gospel on the Ascension. The children identified the beliefs we learn from the story. Then we observed different artwork on the Ascension and represented the story in our own artwork.

In Science, we learnt about how to protect our eyes and skin from the sun and made a poster to warn others. Then we planned an investigation to test how the distance between an object and a light source changes the size of a shadow.

Home Learning

Maths Mathletics
Timestables Please complete 10 minutes a day of

timetables rockstars

Spellings Spelling Frame

woman, wonder, mother brother, another, month, govern, discover, Monday, shovel, above, money

Read Theory Complete at least two activities


Good luck to the children making their First Holy Communion. Have a wonderful day!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Friday, 13th May 2022

This week, the children in Year 4 used their artistic skills to complete creative learning pieces.

First and foremost, they added their final touches to their bedside lamps and attached any last details, such as paws, ears, etc. They then built their own simple series circuits with 2 light bulbs and a handmade switch securing the wires with insulation tape. They will test their circuits on Monday and insert them into their models to complete this long but enjoyable D&T/Science project.

During the week, they applied their learning of tints, shades and tones in painting as well, when they created pieces based on the ‘Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon’- our playscript Writing unit.

In Science, extending their plant learning, the children had planted mung beans which, over the last two weeks, grew large enough to be planted into soil.

In Maths, the class moved on to long written division-chunking- using place value counters and familiarising themselves with the new layout, whilst in English they finished their planning, finalising all dialogues for next week’s big writing.

In RE, the class explained the meaning of the Ascension story according to Luke and in Topic moved away from Geography to introduce their new unit-The Tudors.

The children also completed tests to support the Multiplication Table Check- which is approaching fast. I am very pleased with their results and how well they cope with the time limit and the pressure of such formal tests. Well done!

I wish you all a lovely and sunny weekend,

Ms Varga

See Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 17th May 2022
Spelling Please log onto Spellingframe and practice this week’s spelling words.

Spelling Rule 26 – Word list – years 3 and 4 – br- to ce-

Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities. Please also update your Reading logs.

Multiplication Please log onto TT Rockstars and spend some time practicing your mixed facts.

Very well done for Panayiotis and Eliana for their amazing progress and scores!!!

Research- for Monday, 23rd May In support of our next English unit-Explanation text- I would like the children to research some interesting inventions from around the world. In this unit of work, the children will design their own ‘crazy’ invention (based on a short extract from Wallace and Gromit’s Cracking Contraptions) and write a detailed explanation of their use.

To help the children come up with inventive and engaging ideas, I would like them to research a few interesting or revolutionising inventions. They can print a picture of them or draw them. add labels or captions. Maybe explain what they do in a few bullet point.

This is a planning activity, so just as before, I would like an A4 piece of paper with some invention ideas and bullet points so the children have some background facts and ideas to rely on when designing their own inventions.


Summer Term Week 4 w.b. 09.05.2022

The children enjoyed learning about money this week. They were learning how to recognise, order, compare, add and even exchange different amount of coins. Please continue to support your child with exploring money at home and using the Mathletics games.

The children have completed their Phase 5 phonics and are now revising all the alternative sounds to consolidate their learning. Please continue to use Spelling Frame to revise the sounds and we have been ‘phoneme spotters’ this find in seeking out sounds in everything we read.

This week our focus was: e, ee, e-e, ea, ey and i, ie, igh, i-e,

Thank you for attending the Parent Phonic meeting on Monday 9th May. I hope the handouts were useful for when you are supporting the learning at home. Handouts have been sent home with the children for those who were unable to attend.

The children have been recording their incorrect and tricky spellings this week on a blank game board. They are bringing it home today to share it with you and to use those spellings to make their game. Next week we hope to send home their most recent story to share with you.

The children have examples of the Phonic Screening Check words to read with you and tick or colour them when they get them correct. It will be good to add sound buttons to them so you can see if they are identifying the diagraphs and blends. I do not need these back as they are for home use to support your child in revising their sounds for their Phonic Screening Check w/c 6th June. I will continue to send home a different set of words each week.

Year 1 are to wear their P.E. kits on Monday and Wednesday now.

The children enjoyed learning how to control their tennis balls and adjusting their grip on the racket this week.

Thank you for all the birthday messages and gorgeous flowers.

Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend,
Miss Lambie

Summer 1 Week 4

In tennis this week we have been working on our footwork and we learnt how to play a backhand shot.

In English we have written recounts and focused on the suffixes ly, ful and less in our spelling sessions. In maths we have been learning to read o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to on an analogue clock and revising counting in 2, 3, 5 and 10. Please practise this at home.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Mathletics – time activities have been set.

Please complete the two comprehension papers sent home today and return by Wednesday.




Revision Aids SATs Wednesday

Below are some revision aids to assist you in Using calculations/Metric units/Line symmetry/Translation/Time


Using Calculations Revision

Using Calculations


Metric Units  Revision 

Metric Units

Metric Unit Answers


Translations                  Translations-answers



line symmetry answers


Time         Time-answers


Click on the CGP link for three 10 minute tests.   All the answers are explained at the end of each test, so it’s easy to    spot any areas that need a little extra work.

10 minute tests 



Year 6 – 06/05/22

O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today, Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May!

This morning, to mark the beginning of May the month of Mary, the whole school came together to honour Our Lady by bringing her flowers. The Liturgy Leaders led us in prayer in the hall, and then Joseph and Nichola – the eldest boy and girl in the school – led the rest of the school in procession to the statue of Mary in the Peace Garden.

As I said this afternoon in class, please don’t stress about next week’s SATs; you have worked so hard and should be proud of yourselves regardless of what happens in the tests.

SATs don’t measure sports; SATs don’t measure art.

SATs don’t measure music, or the kindness in your heart.

SATs don’t see your beauty; SATs don’t know your worth.

SATs don’t see the reasons you were put upon this earth.

SATs don’t see your magic – how you make others smile.

SATs don’t time how quickly you can run a mile.

SATs don’t hear your laughter, or see you’ve come this far,

SATs are just a tiny glimpse of who you really are.

So sitting at your table with a pencil and your test,

Remember SATs aren’t who you are; you can only try your best.

For those that wanted to polish up on a certain skill, then this website is good, but I advise you to do something fun and get out in the sun this weekend!

Friday 6th May, 2022

Although this has been a shorter week for us, Year 5 have managed to cram in a busy week of learning!

On Wednesday, the children went to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre – they met Katie their group leader who took them on a tour of this beautiful cultural landmark located on the bank of the River Thames and organised a very exciting workshop based on their Shakespearean play Macbeth.  To enjoy the sunshine of the afternoon, the children went onto the picnic area of the Tate Modern and had lunch with their class mates whilst enjoying the pigeons who took a liking to the attention they gave them.

Not to miss out on the Daily Mile taking place back at school, the children completed their own daily mile using the large green outside the Tate and met Sebastian ‘the bubble man’ who had been invited to join us by Ben.  Sebastian showed the children how to create the ultimate bubble solution and they went onto spending time chasing and bursting the HUGE bubbles he created on the green for them.


It was a lovely day and one which we feel the children will remember fondly.

Today, the class took part in the May Procession with reverence and respect, after spending their RE lesson exploring some of the titles dedicated to Our Lady by examining the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary and reflecting on what the titles mean to them.

In PE, the children continued to practise track and fielding skills -working hard on their throwing skills.

Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning

Reading: Log on to readtheory and complete 5 tests. Log on to complete the tasks set

Spelling: Spellingframe, Rule 58.


Maths log onto Timetables Rockstars to practise your tables.

On Mathletics there are some activities for you to do.  Log onto your account to see.





Reception Class Week Beginning 2.5.22

This week in Reception, the children continued to dig deeper into their new topic ‘Cities and Transport’, by learning about things that travel through the air.

They began the week by listening to the story, ‘Whatever Next?’ by Jill Murphy. This story provoked lots of discussion around big questions such as: What important possessions would you take to the moon? Could humans live on the moon? How does a spacecraft actually get to the moon and how does it get back to Earth?

The children watched a rocket launch, via the Nasa website. This inspired many of the class  to make their own large and small space rockets.

The whole class have shown great interest in the topic of space and so, led by them, we will be continuing this theme next week.

One of the overarching curriculum aims for our Reception class is for every child to learn how to ride a two-wheeled bike independently, and so the children have been working really hard over the past academic year to master this skill.

What previously learnt experiences, knowledge and skills do the children need to achieve the aim?

There are many skills needed to ride a bike.

We believe they are:

  • Clasping strength and grip
  • Knowing how to steer
  • Use and understand directional vocabulary
  • Able to balance- left leg, right leg
  • Developed bilateral co-ordination
  • Developed control of movement
  • Able to push pedals using both feet
  • Able to avoid obstacles
  • Take turns to share the equipment
  • Able to follow instructions and rules
  • Able to self-regulate behaviour
  • Being able to manage risk- being safe and taking risks
  • Select appropriate safety equipment
  • Understanding of road safety for all
  • Effective communication skills
  • Able to deal with disappointment
  • Perseverance and resilience
  • Making links between old and new experiences
  • Confident to ask for help if needed
  • Respect for equipment

We now have 18 children who can confidently ride without support and many others who are on the cusp; these children will definitely be riding by the end of the year!

What a great success!

This morning, Reception took part in the May Procession, to honour Mary. As usual, the children made their teachers proud with their fantastic behaviour and reverence during this special time.

At lunchtime today, the class had a very exciting time, when they joined in with a Bollywood dancing experience.

Finally, this afternoon, Reception and Year 6 decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and met up on the field, where they created their own games and obstacle courses, using the sports equipment.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team