Reception Week Beginning 16.5.22

It’s been another busy week in Reception Class.

This week, the children’s learning has been focused around the themes presented in the book, ‘Oi! Get off our Train’.

This book tells the story of a little boy, who sets off on a round-the-world night train to dreamland, with only his toy dog for company. Before long, all sorts of endangered animals are asking if they can jump up and join them on their journey!

Inspired by this, the children have learnt about how we can help endangered animals and have considered how they themselves can help to build a better world. The children also watched this animation of the letter written by Pope Francis to the whole world, entitled Laudato Si’.

The children also had lots of fun creating and playing in a train/ tube station role play area outside.

In Maths, the children have been making up addition stories using the language of First, Then, Now. They have also been encouraged to explore addition practically during their Child Initiated Learning time.

Next week, we are looking forward to learning about Queen Elizabeth II and the rest of the royal family.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team.

Friday, 20th May 2022

It has been another busy and interesting week in Year 4.

In Maths, the children extended their understanding of the long division through open ended problem solving activities whilst in English, they have written their final, extended, pieces in our playscripts unit. In RE, the class learnt about Shavu’ot, an ancient Jewish festival which they will link with Pentecost later in the term. In Science, the children read Topical Science articles whilst also completing their bedside lamps. At the moment we are experiencing some difficulties with our circuits, so I apologise in advance if the lamps will need some further support at home.

In History, the children drew conclusions of Tudor times using different portraits of Henry VIII, whilst in Computing they used new formulae to calculate mean average and sum in Spreadsheets whilst also formatting their graphs from the previous week. In PE, the children further consolidated their bawling, fielding and batting skills by playing short cricket games. In Art, the class used their drawing and shading skills to create Tudor themed symmetry portraits. On Wednesday, the class celebrated National Numeracy Day by participating in a Guinness World Record attempt of the highest number of participant in a live multiplication recital as well as completing a budgeting exercise (a challenge of surviving one day on £20 with NO support from home at all). Fantastic conversation about needs and wants!

Next week, the children will participate in a Multiplication Table Check ‘simulation’ to gain some practice before the actual event next month. The simulation will involve practicing logging on and running the test -all in a separate room in groups of 5. The purpose of this simulation is to allow the children to experience exam settings and to eliminate stress or anxiety so on the day, they be familiar with the surroundings and feel confident.

I wish you a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 24th May 2022
Spelling Spelling Rule 27 – Word list – years 3 and 4 – ci- to ea-


Please update your reading logs and be ready to present them on Wednesday

English Please be ready to present your A4 research based on some interesting, ‘crazy’ inventions on Monday. (See last week’s blog for details)

Summer 2 – Week 5

Year 3 have lots of amazing authors. This week the children have been writing the beginning of their adventure stories based on The Iron Man. The children applied what they have been learning about the features of adventures. They included similes, adverbs, adjectives and prepositions to make their stories enjoyable to read.

In Maths, we have been solving problems involving fractions. The children have developed strategies to help them calculate the answer. The children then made fraction flowers for our class display.

This week was Walk to School Week. Each day the children Have added to the class ladder how they travelled to school. On Friday we added happy faces to our display, to celebrate cleaner air.

Over the last few weeks we have been learning different skills to help us to play rounders. The children applied their skills to play the game and did very well. On Friday, we had a cricket coach teach us some cricket games. The children enjoyed the activities and worked well as a team.

Congratulations to the children who made their First Holy Communion last weekend, it was wonderful to see them all looking lovely. Good luck to the children who are making it this weekend.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Home Learning

Timetables Rock Please complete 10 minutes a day
Maths Practise 4 x tables and complete the sheet sent home
Read Theory Complete 2 activities
Spelling Frame Shirt, first, third, turn, hurt, church, clue, true, rescue, flew, grew


Summer Term Week 5 w.b. 16.05.2022

Year 1 began this week by learning to skip count. They counted in multiples of 2s, matched the total with coins, wrote multiplication number sentences, drew arrays, wrote repeated addition sentences and drew around the 2p coins we used to gain a secure understanding of what multiplication is. Please continue to support your child to count in 2s. Next week we will be counting in 5s and 10s. Mathletics has been set to support this learning.

The children continued to revise Phase 5 alternative sounds to consolidate their learning. Please continue to use Spelling Frame to revise the sounds and we have been ‘phoneme spotters’ this find in seeking out sounds in everything we read.
This week our focus was:
o-e, oa, oe
u-e, ue, ew, oo, ou (group,soup)
ur, er, ir
or, au, aw

Next week will be the last week of revision before the phonic screening check w.b. 5th June. Please continue to encourage your child to spot the digraphs and then sound the words to blend.

Year 1 are to wear their P.E. kits on Monday and Wednesday now.

The children had a rather soggy start to their cricket lesson on Friday but felt better when they returned to class for a warm hot chocolate and marshmallows! They listened and followed instructions well. They warmed up with their favourite ‘domes and dishes’ game, bounced the ball to catch it with the cone, throw it above their heads to catch it in their cones, worked well with partners to throw and catch, and they loved the last game where they tried to bowl the ball to knock the stumps down.

Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend,
Miss Lambie

Summer 1, Week 6

In Art this week read the book The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas and explored how colours make us feel different emotions.

In PE, we have learnt to how to volley (use a high five shot) in tennis and how to control our breathing when swimming front crawl. We also took part in a cricket workshop on Friday, where we were taught how to hit attacking and defensive shots and how to field as a team.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Please read with an adult and complete the maths activities sent home by Wednesday.


Year 6 – PGL Day 4

After a wet morning, the sky cleared and gave us a beautiful final full day 🌞

Today’s activities were trapeze, rifle shooting, challenge course and beach walk, and once again the children enjoyed trying new things and challenging themselves!

We spent our final night at the beach with a stunning sunset to celebrate a fantastic week spent together.

Year 6 – PGL Day 3

Today has been the day for challenging fears, encouraging classmates, and displaying fantastic team spirit!

We all started with Passport to the World, which was a country and flag-themed scavenger hunt around the PGL site. Team Spain were the winners!

Groups 1 and 2 then had Jacob’s Ladder, buggy building and rock climbing, whilst group 3 had abseiling, rock climbing and Jacob’s Ladder.

After chicken and curly fries for dinner, the day ended with a campfire, which entailed lots of singing with actions!


Year 6 – PGL Day 2

Today has been action-packed to say the least!

Raft building, buggy building, abseiling, giant swing and photo challenge all featured, then we ended the day on the beach and had evening prayer with the sun setting over the sea.

Thank you for the letters that you have sent; the children love receiving them.

Time for bed now before another busy day featuring Jacob’s Ladder, rock climbing, ‘Passport to the World’ and an evening campfire!

Year 6 – PGL Day 1

We arrived safely at Bawdsey Manor and went straight to the beach, where we had lunch, skimmed stones, played football and collected shells.


We then played games back at the centre before being shown to our dormitories, having some time to relax, then enjoying sausages or chicken Kiev for dinner followed by chocolate fudge cake. Yum yum!

Our evening activity was called Wacky Races, in which we got the chance to race each other in crazy ways, including pretending we were egg-laying hens!

We concluded the day with evening prayer before bedtime, and are looking forward to raft building, abseiling and giant swing tomorrow!

Friday 13th May 2022

To Infinity and Beyond!

Year 5 created a fruit solar system on Monday to represent the relative sizes and distances of the planets. They discovered how small and close the rocky planets are and how large and distant the gas planets are.

Once we had finished, all that was left was to eat Jupiter!

Stop! Police!

This afternoon Year 5 took to the streets to monitor traffic outside the school. They took speed measurements of passing cars and spoke to motorists who were exceeding the limit. What a great service Year 5 offered to help keep the roads around our school safe.  Don’t forget that you are invited to the special assembly that is taking place in school on Tuesday afternoon where the Chief Inspector of Herts Police will be awarding each member of the class with a certificate on their great focus during their Mini Police experience!


Home Learning 

Reading- Complete 5 tests.

SPaG- log on to to complete the tasks.

Spelling- spelling frame rule 59.

Timetables Rockstars  log on and practise your timetables.
Mathletics: Log onto to complete the tasks on decimals