Friday 27th May 2022

We have come to the end of our half term and what a final day we had! The children looked wonderful in their Jubilee outfits and had a great day taking part in activities to celebrate. Thank you to Lisa, our school cook, for baking cakes for us all to share at the end of the day.

On Tuesday, Charlie Max, Monica and Sophie  took part in the Oakmere Mini Marathon.  Miss Pringle praised the children for their efforts.  Well done!

Our History focus for this week was to learn about how jubilees were different in the past. Year 5 were able to identify ways that celebrations are the same and how they have changed.

This week was also our annual Spirituality Focus and on Thursday after the Ascension Day Mass at Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church, the children took part in the stations that had been set up for them in the Main Hall. Well done to the class who were very respectful and involved in Fr Shaun’s homily…answering his questions and telling the congregation about the Ascension and other things.  A number of the parishioners came up to us after the mass to compliment the children on how they showed such reverence in Mass.  Well done Year 5! Thank you also to Macy and Finn who read for the mass clearly and articulately.  Thank you to Year 6 for leading the stations and helping Year 5 pray and reflect. Next year, Year 5 will be the ones to take on this role of responsibility and we can’t wait to see them rise to the occasion. We also created prayer cards for a Year 2 child. It was wonderful to meet with them and exchange our cards earlier today.

Click here to see photos from this week.

Have a wonderful half term

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning

Please see the details of our whole school home learning in the newsletter.

Year 6 – 27/05/22

Jubilee celebrations have been in full swing this week! We have explored the question How do we see the importance of Queen Elizabeth all around us in our lives today? and have focused on the importance of the Commonwealth, the Queen’s charity patronages, the Queen’s honours list, and the Queen’s speech. To help decorate the classroom, we put our sewing skills to use by making Jubilee bunting. This afternoon, we enjoyed a game of Pin the jewel on the crown and ended the day in the sunshine with cake, music and flag waving! Well done on your wonderful kings and queens costumes!

In amongst the Jubilee mania, Y6 yesterday participated in the Oakmere Mini Marathon; Miss Pringle was very impressed with your stamina and enthusiasm!

Yesterday afternoon saw the Liturgy and Laudato Si groups leading the rest of the school in reflective and interactive prayer activities for our Spirituality Afternoon. Well done!

So here ends another half term, and what a busy one it’s been! SATs, PGL and Jubilee celebrations have certainly made the time fly! Enjoy your week’s break and I will see you all in June.

Miss D 😎

Reception Class Week Beginning 23.5.22

Reception started their week with the big question: Who is Queen Elizabeth II?

Everyone in class had heard of The Queen, but most children didn’t know much about her, or why she will be celebrating her Platinum Jubilee next week.

The children spent the week learning about Her Majesty’s life; they particularly enjoyed listening to stories about what she was like when she was their age.

Over the week, Reception made: bunting, flags, crowns, hats, and made replicas of Buckingham Palace. They wrote about The Queen and made London landmarks from junk modelling material.

Today, the children had lots of fun dressed as kings and queens. Thank you parents for providing your child with such fantastic costumes; they looked amazing!

This afternoon, Reception joined the rest of the school outside for a Jubilee celebration. They sang the whole school song, ‘Here’s to the Queen’, danced and had some special celebration cake and juice.

Enjoy your well deserved half term break children!

The Reception Team

Summer Term Week 6 w.b. 23.05.2022

Year 1 progressed on to counting in multiples of 5’s and 10’s this week. We counted in multiples, matched the total with coins, wrote multiplication number sentences, drew arrays, wrote repeated addition sentences and drew around the coins required to solve multiplication problems. Please continue to support your child to count in 2s, 5s and 10s to build up their fluency. Mathletics has been set to support this learning.

This week was our last week of revision before the phonic screening check w.b. 6th June. We revised all the tricky Ph5 sounds and read lots of real and nonsense words to see if we could spot the sounds.  Please continue to encourage your child to spot the digraphs and then sound the words to blend when reading the lists of words sent home today.

On Friday we met with our Year 4 prayer partners to gift them out prayer cards we made on Spirituality day Thursday 26th. We looked at different representations of the Accession through art and Year 6 led us in prayer circles.

Year 1 are to continue to wear their P.E. kits on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Enjoy the half term and see you all Monday 6th June.

Miss Lambie


Celebrations and Kings and Queens learning:

Here’s to the Queen!

Enjoying cake and drinks

Summer 2 Week 6

We have had a great week celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We began the week learning about Queen Elizabeth II. . We focused on the question – How has life changed since the queen? We compared popular objects from the 1950s to what they look like today. We looked at the similarities and differences. In Art we made a silhouette of Queen Elizabeth II and flicked paint on it. On Friday, we had cake, drinks and dance in the playground.

In English, the children completed their adventure stores, edited them and wrote them up in neat. The stories were exciting, engaging and enjoyable to read. It was a pleasure to read each one, I was impressed that the children used adverbs, adjectives, prepositions and conjunctions to interest the reader.

In Maths, we have continued to solve problems involving fractions. The children have been ordering and comparing fractions.

Please continue to practise timetables. The children should know  the 3, 4 and 8 timetables.

Ancient Egypt Day – Monday 6th June 2022

We will be undertaking an archaeological expedition (from the classroom!) to Ancient Egypt.

Not to give anything away, but we will take part in an investigation of a looted tomb.

It would add to the fun if the children can come dressed for the part as either Ancient Egyptians or as amateur archaeologists!

Also during half-term, why not take some time to find out about Ancient Egyptian grave goods.

Have a wonderful holiday!

Mrs Carey

Summer 1 Week 6

What a wonderful end to this half term we have had! The children looked fantastic in their Jubilee outfits and had a great day taking part in activities to celebrate.

Our History focus for this week was to learn who the Queen is, what her roles are and why we are having a jubilee celebration. In PE have learnt to serve in tennis and practised bowling and throwing accurately at the stumps in cricket. At the end of our swimming lesson on Wednesday we enjoyed a ‘fun swim!’

As part of Spirituality Week we planted wild flower seeds and created prayer cards for a Year 5 child. It was wonderful to meet with them and exchange our cards earlier today.  Click here for some photos of this special time with Year 5.

Have a wonderful half term

Miss Pringle

Home learning 

Please read over the holiday and collect small objects that could be used to make a wind chime.


Friday, 27th May 2022

Year 4 had yet another busy week to finish off this half term with.

Our main focus for the week was the Platinum Jubilee and children completed learning not only in History but through art and music. The class looked at 12 events from the Queen’s reign of 70 years and put them on a diamond sheet according to their significance. They thought about personal, local, national and global significance and argued how some of these events affected their own life. We also painted celebratory Jubilee plates as well as decorating Union Jack pinwheels. We learnt ‘Here’s to the Queen’- a celebratory song dedicated to the Platinum Jubilee, which the children performed beautifully during assembly.

On Thursday, 4 children from the class represented our school during the Oakmere Mini Marathon. Well done for Elsa, Lucy Lines, Eraldo and Panayiotis. We are proud of you!

The rest of the class attended Ascension Day Mass in the morning, where they sang beautifully and participated in the Service with great reverence and respect. Well done!

On Thursday, the children also participated in a Cricket Workshop where they tried ‘3 ball cricket’- a fast and very competitive game. What fun! After their session, the class took part in a lovely reflection as part of their Spirituality activities. The children also wrote prayers to a prayer partner in Year 1, which they gave out Friday afternoon.

They finished the week with a fantastic Jubilee day, dressing up to the theme of ‘Queens and Kings’, whilst eating their lunch in the decorated hall and having an afternoon snack on the field.

The children deserve a break now as they worked very hard this half term and again I couldn’t be more proud of their achievements! I wish you all a wonderful half term,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Monday, 4th July 2022
Reading Please keep up your reading over the half term and update your reading record when you have a chance.
Project Over the next 5 weeks, I would like the children to research Tudor housing and build a 3D model of a Tudor building. It doesn’t need to be big and all materials are allowed however I would encourage using ones that are recycled.

Please see below a few examples:



Year 4 Maths Division

Click on the link  to see the maths task for today.

Extra challenge:  click here






Year 6 – PGL Day 5

The children battled through a wet morning with a coastal walk and a game of Capture the Flag on the field, before a peaceful journey back on the coach!

Well done Year 6 on an excellent week! Have a restful weekend and I’ll see you again on Monday!

Friday 20th May 2022

This week in Year 5 the children have been busy with their learning as well as experiencing The Mini Police Awards Assembly.

It was lovely to see parents attend the Year 5 Mini Police Assembly on Tuesday and for the children to receive their Mini Police certificates from Inspector Robertson.


At 9:30am on Tuesday the class also participated in attempting a Guinness World Record alongside UK-wide schools. Times Tables Rock Stars and National Numeracy Ambassadors, Strictly Come Dancing star Katya Jones and TV presenter Bobby Seagull  lead a times table number roll to help children feel positive and confident about Maths. The class joined in with this eagerly!

In English we have written balanced arguments about whether the Macbeths should kill King Duncan. The children used a formal tone and focused on their cohesion with words and phrases such as ‘furthermore’, ‘in addition’ and ‘in conclusion’. We then became detectives and used expanded noun phrases to describe the murder scene. Our Guided Reading lessons have centered around prologues and writing predictions this week. Year 5 have been keen to show me books with prologues they have found.

Our History learning had us looking at the achievements of the Ancient Greeks. After some discussion, Year 5 ranked them on how important they felt they were. I was greatly impressed by the way their backed up their points.

In Science today, we spoke about why people in the past thought the Earth was flat, and how they began to realise it was spherical. This prompted a lot of discussion and questions that showed some great scientific knowledge.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mrs Lines  Mrs McNamara

Home Learning

Science– Research the planets. Create an A4 fact file about the planets that will be stuck into their science books. There should be a picture of each planet with information about it. The planets should be written about in the order they are from the sun. This was discussed in class today. The fact sheets are due in on Monday 6th June.

Websites to help:

Spellings- Spelling frame rule 60

rhyme, rhythm, sacrifice, secretary, shoulder, signature, sincere, sincerely, solider, stomach and sufficient.

Mathletics: Log on to complete your Mathletics (which is based on multiplication and fractions).  If you have any problems do not worry.  We can look at the activity on Monday at lunchtime.

Timestable Rockstars: log on and complete the focus timetable(s) for this week.