Summer 1: Week 4

Year 3 have worked very hard this week. In Maths, they applied their fraction knowledge to create mathematical art work . In English, they have published their  documentaries and created class word banks to support their narrative writing. In RE, the children wrote prayers to St Joseph to remember his feast day and were very reverent during the crowning of Mary this morning. Thank you for the generous donations of plants and flowers.

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In Science, the children have enjoyed sharing their magnets and famous scientist home learning.

In PE, this week we continued to develop our tennis forehand and backhand. I am very impressed with how fit Y3 are – they have collectively run 96 miles during the daily mile this week!

Finally, the children painted their clay animal tiles which look fantastic.

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Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Spelling –


French – please log onto duolingo and complete 20 minutes of activity. Passwords and log in details can be found on google classroom.

Reading – please log onto study ladder and complete 20 minutes of activity.

Science  – Please paint or sketch a picture of a famous scientist.