Week Beginning 21.9.20

The children have completed their first full week of school and it’s safe to say that we had some very tired children by hometime today!

It has been a wonderful week of learning. The children have been very busy focussing on the story ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddel. This lovely tale is about three baby owls who are missing their mummy- a perfect story for the children during this time of transition!

Over the course of the week, the children have made nests from lots of different materials, owl masks, puppets, drawings and paintings. They have also learnt lots of facts about owls and other nocturnal animals.

The children have also had lots of fun playing active maths games and exploring the other activities on offer, both in the inside and outdoor learning environments.

Reception have been participating in a Special Prayer Time every morning and we are already so impressed with their reverence! The children are also trying very hard to learn the school Mission Prayer-

We believe that we are all God’s work of art. We strive to respect and care for each other and to use our talents to do our best. By doing this, we are ‘Learning in the Light of Christ’

Reading books will be sent home over the course of next week. Information about your child’s reading day will be inside the front cover of the reading record.

Wishing you all a restful weekend,

The Early Years Team

Assembly 25th September 2020

Dear Parents,

Today in our assembly we have been thinking about St. Vincent de Paul. As we get ready to celebrate the feast of St. Vincent this Sunday we reflect on how St. Vincent taught us to help the poor and to give with love.

Please watch the video below for the presentation of this week’s Gold Awards and Head Teacher Awards.

Autumn 1 Week 4

This week, we completed our end of unit writing for our ‘Who am I?’ English topic. The children wrote descriptions of themselves and thought deeply about who they are. I was really impressed with the final outcome. Our maths learning has continued to focus on place value. We have added and subtracted 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000 from large numbers and worked on Roman numerals.
In Science this week, we have begun an investigation about the effect of mineral salts on the growth of plants. We have planted radishes with various amounts of mineral pellets and we will watch the impact of this over the next few weeks.
We braved the windy weather this afternoon and went outside to work on our chest pass technique with some throwing tennis.
We welcomed Fr Alex into school today and he led us in a mass. Year 5 behaved reverently throughout and Fr Alex was very impressed with their behaviour.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Lines
Home Learning:
Mathletics has been set as have activities on study ladder. Children should complete 10 readtheory tests and learn week 3 spellings.

Week 4

Another fun week in Year 1!

In Maths we have been doubling numbers using resources and many can answer doubles mentally. We have been solving problems involving doubles. Also we have been subtracting numbers using number lines, counters and counting back in our heads.

We read the book Plenty of Love to go Around. The children were able to label the different parts to the character Binky and make a list of what cats need. I am impressed at how the children are using their phonic knowledge to spell words and write sentences.

In our school gardens, we found lots of vegetables that we drew and labelled.

In Science we have been identifying our five senses and matching them with the correct body parts.

In Religion we thought about the actions, symbols and words that we see and use at church. Look out for them at church this weekend. Thank you for sending in photos of the children’s baptism, if you have not please could you send them in next week.

In PE, we the children were following instructions by playing different games.

Next week is Healthy Eating Week. Please could you send in a photo of you eating together as a family and being active today.

Home Learning


Practise recalling doubles to double 10.

Spellings – oy words

Reading – Please sign your child’s reading record at least once a week.


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Friday, 25th September 2020

Although the nice weather has left us for now, Year 4 had another busy week and used the outdoors when possible.

In Maths, children consolidated their understanding of numbers by regrouping them flexibly and later looked at number magnitude, thinking about the relative size of 3 and 4 digit numbers.

In English, we have consolidated the use of conjunctions, both coordinating and subordinating, and moved on to description. We looked at video clips of rivers in different areas and used adjectives and adverbs to describe their surroundings.

In RE children took part in Acts of Worship and revisited their earlier learning on the Sacraments.

Children also created pieces of art using things they can find in nature as part of their well being activities.

We looked at soils and carried out some investigations about particle sizes and acidity/alkalinity in Science, whilst working on our overarm throw in PE.

Children also made cards to celebrate their First Holy Communions. I hope the weather holds up and families -even if in small numbers- can celebrate this special, blessed time.


Thank you for the boxes of tissues sent in, we appreciate the contribution.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga


Please see your Home Learning bellow:

Home Learning Friday, 25th September 2020
Spelling https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/10/3-The-sound-spelt-ou

Use the link bellow to practice and test yourself on this week’s spelling words

country, young, touch, double, trouble, couple, courage
cousin, rough, tough
Maths/English Please login to StuddyLadder and look for the assigned tasks.

Maths: adding 10/100 and multiples of ten.

English: use of adjectives to describe

Reading Please complete 3 activities on Read Theory

Year 2 Week 3

It has been a busy week of learning in Year 2! In religion this week we have been learning about the Sacraments of Initiation. The children looked at the symbols for Baptism, The Eucharist and Confirmation. Inspired by stained glass windows the children created some beautiful artwork.

The children created some wonderful Popplets about the Sacrament of Baptism.

In English we have continued work on adjectives and nouns. The children have been working very hard on their handwriting and everyone should be very proud of their efforts.

‘Think 10’ is the strategy we are using in Mathematics. The children have worked hard applying this strategy when adding and subtracting.

Home Learning:

Spellings: Week 3 – Spelling test on Wednesday

Mathletics: Count by 2s, 5s and 10s. Counting on a 100 grid. 10 more, 10 less

Study ladder: Reading comprehension and Grammar

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Davey

Year 6 – 25/09/20

In Science this week, we continued learning about the human body by finding out about what blood consists of and the functions of the different components. The children made their own blood by using red beans as the red blood cells, dried peas as the white blood cells, rice and platelets and oil as plasma.

In PE, we have been working on our chest passes. In Maths, we have been practising multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 & 1000 and have applied this skill to everyday contexts. In English, we have been revising sentence structure and the difference between simple, compound and complex sentences before moving onto our new writing topic next week.

Here is the mindfulness meditation that I used for this week’s wellbeing session, as some of you wanted to access it from home:

Home learning for this weekend is as follows:

Maths Tasks assigned on Mathletics:

·         Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000

·         Dividing by 10, 100, 1000

·         Mental methods multiplication

Here are the instructions for keeping your Prodigy login but transferring it to Miss Donatantonio’s classroom:

1.       Go to www.prodigygame.com/play

2.       Login to your Prodigy account

3.       Click Update and enter the Class Code: B1EAD0A

Reading 30 minutes on ReadTheory.org
Spellings This week’s words contain the ie digraph:













Enjoy your weekend and well done on another great week.

Miss Donatantonio 😊

PS. St Vincent de Paul virtual assembly to be uploaded early next week.

Week 4

This week we have practised adding and subtracting 10 from any number.  We have also continued working hard to learn our 3 time tables and our mental fluency.

In English we have been writing expanded noun phrases, ready to use them in our narrative next week.

During PE we have used our throwing, catching an dodging skills to play tag rugby. In Science we have researched interesting facts about sunflowers and used our estimation skills to guess the height and number of seeds on the largest sunflower in our garden.

Please look out for awards in the Newsletter!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Spelling – adding ed and ing


Follow this link https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/89/12-Adding-ed-ing-er-and-est-to-a-root-word-ending-in-y-with-a-consonant-before-it to practice – these are Y2 spelling words but have been chosen to close the gaps.

Mathletics and Study Ladder activities have been set and all accounts have been checked in class – please let me know on Monday if you have any issues accessing the set activities from home.

Please complete 5 quizzes on read theory – the comprehension adjusts itself automatically according to how the children perform during the quizzes. I am able to check this online too.

Please read with your child and encourage them to log their reading in their record, commenting on what they enjoyed. Please sign and return reading book and records on Thursdays.

Welcome to Reception

Welcome to Reception. It’s been a long time coming, but we are all finally together!

The children have had a fantastic first week at Pope Paul School and have enjoyed exploring their new learning environment, learning new routines, getting to know staff and making new friends. The staff have been amazed at how well they all listen and how fantastic they all are at following instructions. They are set to be a group of brilliant learners!

Here are a small selection of photos taken over the week.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team




Autumn 1 Week 3

We have made the most of the fantastic weather this week and got outside for some of our lessons. For Science, we went in search of wildlife on our school grounds and tried to determine what stage of its life cycle the creature was in. Our weekly mindfulness task gave us the opportunity to take notice of the natural world around us and make drawings of plants in bloom. Our PE lessons have focused on agility, dodging and chest passing. Year 5 have loved some of the games we have played, with ‘gladiators’ being a particular favourite!
I have been greatly impressed with the children’s maths skills over the past couple of weeks. We have progressed our place value from 4 digit to 7 digit numbers. Well done, Year 5!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Lines
Home Learning
Mathletics and studyladder activities have been set. Children should also complete 10 readtheory tests and learn Week 2 spellings. A copy has been sent home with the children but they can also be viewed on the previous blog post.