Reception Autumn 2 Week 7

Reception finished their first term at Pope Paul with an exciting week of Christmas activities!

They went to a pantomime, had Christmas dinner together wearing their Christmas party hats, shared their talents by auditioning for Pope Paul School’s Got Talent and had fun in a class disco. They ended this fun-filled week with a very special Christmas assembly.

Mrs Gymer and I would once again like to thank you for your generosity and support.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas,

Mrs Theo

Christmas Celebrations

It has been a very busy last week of term! On Monday we were treated to a concert by our music pupils from Year 5 and 6.  We enjoyed listening to singers, pianists , guitarists and string players. Well done to everyone who took part and a special thank you to Mrs Moutoussi, Mrs Martin, Mrs Guerin and Mr Nicola for preparing and supporting the children.

On Tuesday the whole school enjoyed the production of The Sleeping Beauty at the Wyllyotts Theatre. The children had a fabulous time even though there were some scary parts. It was wonderful to be together as a school enjoying the spectacle.

Our choir have been in action this week bringing joy to the local community. They sang to the residents of Greenhills Care Home yesterday and on Tuesday brought smiles to the office workers at Canada life. Well done children! You sang like angels!

Wednesday brought a fantastic Christmas lunch and talent show. Well done to Thomas and Ellis in Year 2 who came in first place with their comedy act; your jokes were great!

Today we celebrated the fourth Sunday of Advent, lighting the 4th candle on our Advent wreath. Baby Benjamin ( Anna in Year 1’s brother) took the starring role as Jesus as we reflected on the nativity story.

On behalf of all the staff, I would like to thank you for all your very generous Christmas gifts. It is wonderful to know that we are supported by such an active parent body.


I wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

Liz Heymoz

Week 14: 20th December, 2019

Another busy week….the Christmas Panto, Christmas Dinner, Talent Show, Art Activities…the list goes on!

This week, we continued learning about regrouping in Maths alongside our knowledge of our timetables; in RE we looked further at the story of the birth of Jesus and compared what Matthew has written in his gospel with what Luke has written about the Nativity.

The children have learnt to remember that although Luke and Matthew record the birth of Jesus very differently, the truths they are trying to convey is the same: Jesus was the Messiah, God in human form.

Wishing you all every blessing for Christmas and the New Year.  See you in January!

Mrs Dunning, who has been working with us this half-term, will be joining us in January to cover Ms Varga’s maternity leave. She has really enjoyed spending this time getting to know the children and looks forward to seeing them all in January.

Thank you also for your kind words and gifts.  Myself, Ms Hilton and Ms Lawlor are touched by your generosity.  I will pass on your gifts and best wishes to Ms Varga too.

Mrs McNamara

Christmas Dinner

Art Activities A special thank you to Freddie’s mum who also sent in activities for the children to do.



Our Advent Class Worship

William is on stage!  Panto: Sleeping Beauty

Our D&T Designs


Year 6 – 20/12/19

On Monday, we had our Year 5 & 6 music concert; well done to all the performers who treated us to such a rich and varied musical programme.

On Wednesday, we had our Christmas lunch and talent show day. There were smiles all around as everyone spread the Christmas cheer! Well done to Liam and Owen for representing our class in the talent show.

Yesterday, things got competitive as the class worked in teams to complete a Christmas Maths Relay. The problems they had to solve were not easy, and I witnessed some wonderful resilience as the children developed their problem solving skills.

Thank you very much for your Christmas gifts; they were very generous and thoughtful. Well done and thank you Year 6 for all your efforts in this first term. See you all buzzing and raring to go in January after a good rest!

Miss Donatantonio

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a restful New Year.

Love Miss Pringle


Autumn 2 Week 7

Our final week of the term has been jam-packed with entertainment! On Monday, we were treated to a KS2 music concert. I was so impressed with the quality of the performances and it shows the hard work and dedication the children put in during their spare time. Well done to all performers. Then on Tuesday, we watched the pantomime at the Wyllyotts theatre. It was great fun and the children acted as fantastic role models for the Year 1 children they walked to the theatre with. Wednesday was our annual talent show at Pope Paul. We had a lot of acts to choose from and we were represented by signing and comedy acts. Well done to all children who auditioned and those that took part. Wednesday was also our Christmas lunch day and we enjoyed a delicious meal together.

Thank you all for your generous cards and gifts. It has been a pleasure working with you  and your children this term.I wish you a blessed Christmas and joyous New Year.


Mrs Lines

Year 2 Blog Week 15

To start our week, we attended the Sleeping Beauty Pantomime in the Wyllyots theatre – Oh no we didn’t! OH YES WE DID!

On Wednesday, we put our Christmas jumpers on and we sat down together for a delicious Christmas meal. After lunch, we gathered in the hall for our annual school talent show. Pope Paul definitely has talent! Year 2 had two amazing entries in this years talent show – Christmas Jokes and A Christmas poem. Congratulations to Ellis and Thomas for winning the show.


As the wonder of Christmas surrounds us, may your spirit be renewed with special joy at the miracle of his birth.

Thank you for your generous gifts and beautiful cards.

Wishing you all a peaceful Christmas and happy New Year.

Miss Davey

Week 7

We ended our busy term with a fun week.

On Tuesday we went to watch Sleeping Beauty. The children loved it! Thank you to our parent helpers.

On Wednesday we had our Christmas lunch and in the afternoon we watched Pope Paul’s Got Talent! Well done to all the Year 1 acts that took part or auditioned.


Thank you for the donations to our Caritas Food Collection!

Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thank you for the generous gifts!

Mrs Carey, Mrs Joyce and Mrs Shea

Year 6 – 13/12/19

First of all, well done Year 6 for your fantastic participation in Tuesday’s Advent Service. You led it so beautifully and were a credit to the school.

In RE this week, we have focused on Matthew’s message of the Incarnation in his account of the nativity. On Wednesday, the children carried this message into writing their own words to songs that we have sung in our Advent Service over the past couple of years. We will be recording some of them next week, so stay tuned to hear those!

Our art topic this term has seen the children producing self-portraits in a variety of media. This week, they had a go at drawing other people, paying particular attention to shape and figure. See if you can guess who some of these familiar faces are!

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 17th December) is as follows:

English -> KS2 SATs Grammar Test (A)
Spellings suggest




lightning (lightning flashed across the sky)

lightening (the sky was slowly lightening as the sun came up)






Times tables

Questions on multiples, factors and primes:

·         CGP Year 6 book p. 15

·         CGP Year 5 book pp. 18-19


Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Daily reading and recording in Reading Records.


How to complete your reading record

As you’re reading, take notice of the language used then. When you’ve finished reading, choose an aspect of language that you really liked, write it into your reading record, and then explain why you found it effective.

Things you might comment on:

·         Effective use of personification;

·         An effective metaphor;

·         An example of ‘show don’t tell’ ;

·         Good use of the semi-colon;

·         Hyphenation;

·         Direct speech that develops the characterisation;

·         Formal language;

A new word whose meaning you worked out from the context.

Have a joyful weekend.

Miss Donatantonio

Reception- Autumn 2 Week 6

I am sure you will all agree that Reception were absolutely fantastic in their class Nativity on Tuesday! Their teachers are very proud of them all. They spoke their lines clearly, acted and sang beautifully and were so confident! Thank you for supporting them and thank you also to Year 6 who got them changed and ready for their performance.

On Tuesday afternoon, it was Reception’s turn to be the audience when they were treated to the KS1 production- I’m Gonna Shine! The children thought it was brilliant.

In class this week, the children have been focussing on the story of the first Christmas. They have enjoyed role playing and sequencing the story, creating their own Nativity scenes from a range of materials and writing their own versions of the story.

Finally today, Reception had fun continuing to develop their gymnastics skills in PE, by using the large apparatus.

Please note, next week their will be no drop-in reading sessions due to Pope Paul’s Got Talent that afternoon.

The Reception Team would also like to thank you all for your kind generosity.

Have a wonderful weekend!