This week has been full of investigations, starting with two detectives visiting our school to help us investigate and solve a crime. We learnt how to take and analyse fingerprints. We also learnt about graphology (handwriting analysis) and that the police have the sole of every shoe made in the UK. The class worked brilliantly together and used the evidence to successfully convict Mrs McNamara!
We have also estimated and investigated weight – converting grams and kilograms. In science we have been learning about our skeleton and muscles. Today we made predictions about the relationship between our height and the distance we can jump,we then investigated this and will be analyzing the results on a graph next week.
Thank you for the junk modelling materials, we will start our models next week so please keep sending the donations coming in.
We are also enjoying reading to reception and are looking forward to planting our sunflower seeds in our class garden.
Home Learning:
spelling – experience, famous, favourite, guard, guide, height, imagine, knowledge, library, material, medicine, mention.
Reading – Please read with your child and ask them to write their own reflections about what they have read in their reading records.
Maths – We are ng about grams and kilograms at the moment and it would be great if you could estimate, weigh or cook with your child to apply these skills.