Choir music – Wyllyotts concert

The link below will take you to the folder containing the music and lyrics for our concert in a couple of weeks time. Please practise all the song: the words need to be learnt off my heart for the rehearsal on Saturday 30th March.

Space Music 2019

Year 6 Home Learning – 22/03/19

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 26th March) is as follows:

English KS2 SATs Grammar Test (E)
Reading Comprehension on sheet: ‘Devastating bushfire races across Port Hope’

Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.


Times tables

Questions to be completed in the yellow Home Learning book:

·        CGP Year 6 book pp. 34-35 (Percentages of Amounts)

Continue to revise all times tables.


Year 4 has had another busy week. The children have learnt how to use ‘Book Creator’ to record their ideas, speech and photos. They have used that knowledge to create beautiful documents explaining their understanding of the Stations of the Cross.

In Science, the children have conducted practical investigations about gases. Their favourite was to make gas using water and effervescent tablets and then catch that using a  balloon! The children could see the gas created as their flat balloons suddenly inflated.

The class have also immersed themselves in a new art form, called Zentangle. It uses a particular technique of drawing parallel, straight and curved lines, to fill small pre-designed spaces. The children created beautiful pictures.

The children have had their weekly violin lesson and their repertoire of songs is getting larger over  the weeks.

Finally, on Friday, the class took part in the school’s first Lenten charity event selling and buying toys and books.

Thank you very much for your contributions in supporting the charities we have chosen this Lent.

Have a nice weekend!


Week 10

This week we have been  learning about the story of the Entry in to Jerusalem. We acted out the story and enjoyed watching  ourselves on the video clip. We looked at the different Gospel writers and recognised that Luke’s story did not include palms.  We read Luke’s story and we retold the story in our own words.

In Numeracy we have been comparing the length and weight of different objects. We have been using different resources to measure and compare.

In English we have been identifying nouns, verbs and adjectives in sentences. Please look for these words in your reading books.

The children love voting for the book they want to read at the end of each day!


Have a great weekend!


Mrs Carey


Year 2 Blog Week 23

It has been a very busy week in Year 2! In Religion, we have been learning about the Stations of the Cross. The children focused on describing some of the stations and their stories. 

We have glazed our clay pots and we are looking forward to seeing the results of the firing next week! 

We celebrated British Science Week this week. The theme was ‘Journeys’ and we launched into this theme with THE BIG QUESTION- What will journeys be like in 25 years time? There was a lot of discussion and some very interesting answers. Year 2 delighted in making parachutes and testing their models. We finished the week with a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day celebration morning. It was lovely to see you all and thank you for coming and  sharing in our science activities. 


Home Learning: Mathletics – Time and KS1 SATs Grammar Test C.

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh!                                                                  Wishing you all a happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Miss Davey




Spring 2 Week 3

Our week began with a visit to Church, where we prayed The Stations of the Cross. The children were very respectful and wrote some wonderful reflections in their RE books in class. We are praying The Stations in class together too – please see the photograph below of our RE board.

We were also visited by Mr Friedlander, who teaches science at Dame Alice Owens school, on Wednesday. During his visit the class were challenged to budget, build and test a parachute and capsule that would protect an egg from cracking, when dropped from a height. The children worked brilliantly in teams and learnt a lot about gravity.

It was lovely to see so many of you at the St.Patrick’s Day assembly and celebration morning, I’m sure you’ll agree that the children read, acted and sung beautifully. Well done year 3.

Home Learning:

Spelling –

interest, island, learn, perhaps, popular, quarter, question, reign, remember, straight, strange, promise. activities have been set and please practice the 3, 4 and 8 time tables. 

Miss Pringle





Week 8

We’ve had a very exciting week in year 5. The highlight had to be our trip to the Houses of Parliament on Thursday. It was an amazing experience to visit the galleries of both the House of Lords and the House of Commons to watch the debates and questions. The excitement of the children showed they truly understood what a special privilege this was. With the current Brexit situation, it was particularly special as we were able to see all the news crews outside, ready to report on voting outcomes. There were also many people there with signs to express their views. Following our tour, we headed to the education centre to take part in a workshop. Here Year 5 discussed a range of topics and explored them from many different angles. The workshop leader commented that she was very impressed. She felt that the children had interesting views that they were able to articulate well.

Mini Police was particularly amazing this week. The children were able to explore two vehicles, take part in drill training and learn all about the equipment.


It was great to see so many of you this morning. Well done to Evie and Louise for dancing so beautifully in the St Patrick’s Day assembly.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Lines

Year 6 – 15/03/19

This year for British Science Week, the theme was ‘Journeys’. In Year 6, we focused on the distressing fact that all plastic inevitably journeys to the ocean. Here are some of the shocking facts that we learned:

  • The ocean has a plastic mass that is 6 times the size of the UK;
  • 100% of turtles have plastic in them that they have eaten;
  • It takes 450 years for a plastic bottle to disappear;
  • One million seagulls die every year from plastic.

We tried to simulate what it might feel like to be an animal entangled in plastic and we saw how easy it would be for a sea creature to mistake a plastic bag for a jellyfish. We also discovered how plastic microfibres are found in most clothes that we wear (synthetic fibres such as polyester, acrylic and nylon) and that each time they are washed, these microfibres are released into the water, eventually ending up in the oceans. We had a look at this and could actually see he fibres that had been released in the water.

It was lovely to see so many parents celebrating the children’s learning this morning. Annoyingly, I didn’t manage to get any photos because I was so engrossed in making origami shamrocks!

Well done to all those who competed at Dame Alice Owen on Wednesday for Sports Hall Athletics; it was a fantastic afternoon and you all showed such sportsmanship and team spirit.

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 19th March) is as follows:

English Sheet of questions of perfect and progressive tenses
Spellings Next week, I will test you on any spellings from the Y3&4 and Y5&6 Statutory Word Lists (see reverse). Please choose 14 spellings that you need to spend time revisiting and write spelling sentences (or a spelling paragraph) in your pink home learning books.

Times tables

Questions to be completed in the yellow Home Learning book:

·        CGP Year 6 book pp. 28-29 (Fractions, Decimals and Percentages)

Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Continue to use

Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Donatantonio

Week 9

We have had a wonderful week of learning! To begin Science week, we made rockets and learnt about the scientist Mae Jemison. She was the first African-American woman to go into space. We have been learning about lots of different journeys and how we travel. On Celebration morning, we made paper aeroplanes and helicopters with our parents. We loved the skittle investigation, watching all the colours travel across the plate.

In Religion we have been looking at the journey though Lent. We made beautiful hearts to remember Jesus. We have been learning about the stations of the cross and what each station means. On Wednesday, we learnt about how we can show our love to each other. We sang songs and prayed with Michael.

In Maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and sorting them into different groups. We have been looking at real life objects and identifying what shape they are.

We have continued with the story The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon. The children planned and wrote their own stories of the dish and the spoon’s adventures in their homes or our school. They got up to lots of mischief!

In PE we watched the Honda advert of different parts of the car moving. We performed a dance of different movements in a sequence.

Thank you to all the parents for coming to the celebration morning, we hope you enjoyed it. Well done to the great Irish dancers in our class!


Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Carey

Science Week in Year 4

Year 4 has had a few busy days. As a launch to our Science Week, the children have researched Fernando Magellan and his cruise around the world, located the Spice islands on a map and then talked about the difficulties of such a journey. Also, they discussed the big question for the week: What would you take with you in a back pack to survive for a week? The children thought of all their needs (air, water, food, shelter and sleep) – it was lovely to hear some of their great survival tips.

On Tuesday, the children researched the timeline of Space Exploration and looked into the future of commercial Space travels as well. Did you know that by 2030, we will be able to send two astronauts to Mars? The journey would take as long as 2 years in space! The class then carried on with creating paper rockets and investigating different designs, launching devices to see which one went further. Our record was 2 metres and 68cm!

On Tuesday morning, we joined with Year 3 to visit Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church to pray the Stations of the Cross. The children  showed great reverence and respect.

On Wednesday, the children  moved onto playing their second full song on the violins and I can happily report that they are getting better at it week by week.

It was lovely to see many of you this morning at the Celebration Morning.  The children worked hard with your support on their Bird Challenge Design and their results were great!


  • SPAG
  • RE Spelling words:  Passion, Stations of the Cross, ashes, penance, almsgiving, fast, prayer, Last Supper
  • Maths – using the formal method you have been using in class, complete four multiplication sums using 2 digits by 1 digit.    Maths Home: using the formal method homework for 15th March   (click the link )

Have a good weekend.

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara