Week 4

Another fun week! In Literacy we have been learning about instructions. We followed instructions to make a jam sandwich and gave our partners instructions. Then we wrote the instructions to help others to make a jam sandwich. The children loved making and eating the sandwiches!

In Numeracy we have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones using different resources.

In Science we did an investigation to see what happened to different foods when we heated them. We made great predictions and described the changes using wonderful vocabulary.

In Geography, we have been learning about the Arctic. We located it on a map. We researched information on the iPads and we looked at the types of animals that would be there. We also thought about the clothes we would need to take in our suitcase.

Mr Cicco is leaving us today. The children have thoroughly enjoyed having him in the class and have learnt a lot from him. We wish him luck in his training.

On Friday we had a great day playing in the snow!


Have a lovely weekend


Mrs Carey


Spring Term Week 3 Reception

What another busy week of learning Reception have had!

This week, the story focus has been ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. The children have been very busy turning the fairy tale cottage into Grandma’s house. They have also been designing bags suitable for transporting a cake to Grandma, drawing maps of the forest, writing lists of items to make Grandmas feel better and writing own versions of the story. The children were also challenged to independently make a free standing tree! We had some fantastic creations in class!

After Tuesday night’s snowfall, the children were keen to get outside on Wednesday morning. They were excited to see tracks left in the snow from different wild animals and the mud kitchen became the snow kitchen for the day!

On Thursday, Reception welcomed a very important visitor to the class- Bishop John Sherrington. The children learnt about the different vestments that he wears and the religious objects that he carries, such as the crosier. They shared their learning with him and sang their favourite song, Yellow Bird.

Friday’s PE lesson built on last week’s learning and the children had lots of fun working together to perform group balances to the rest of the class.

*Reception will be doing their very first assembly on Friday 15th February at 9.15am. Please join us!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Bishop Sherrington visits!

Yesterday Bishop John Sherrington visited our school. Bishop John is a Diocesan auxiliary bishop covering schools in South Hertfordshire as well as London. He was delighted to meet the children in their classrooms and answered some challenging questions! Year 2 discovered that Bishop John is a Maths graduate and so were ready with a host of number problems to solve; he certainly knows his number bonds to 10! Bishop John presented our Year 6 Liturgy Leaders with a Papal Blessing for our school community on the occasion of the canonization of Pope Paul VI. This is a great honour and marks a special moment in the life of our school. Thank you to Fr Shaun for organizing this.

Year 2 Blog Week 17

It has been another busy week of learning in Year 2. We have continued work on our Religion unit – sacramental people. The children enjoyed reading the story – Maybe God is like that too by Jennifer Grant. We thought about how we see, hear and feel God’s presence in the words and actions of others. Image result for maybe god is like that too doorman

In Maths, we have been focusing on using different strategies to add 2 digit numbers. Everyone worked very well and ensured they could prove all their answers. On Wednesday, Bishop John Sherrington came to visit our school.  It was lovely to meet him and ask him questions about his calling. From our research we found out that Bishop John Sherrington has a degree in Mathematics from Cambridge University. Year 2 delighted in asking Bishop John some tricky number riddles! 

In English we have been focusing on non chronological reports. Year 2 had great fun using different source material to research sharks. Our author of the month is David Walliams and we are currently enjoying his tale of a Gangsta Granny.

This week we were very lucky to have Luca, a German exchange student, volunteering in our class. A BIG thank you to Luca for all his help and we wish him well in his future studies.


Home Learning: Reading comprehension, Mathletics and Spag.com.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Davey


Spring Term Week 3

Another week has flown by in Year 5. We have been very busy thinking about what it means to be sacramental people and seeing where we could find God in our local area. On Wednesday, Year 5 took a walk to Darkes Lane and were able to identify where they could see God in nature and through others. Once we returned to school, we then thought about where we see God in our own lives and how we let God act through us.  Later in the week, we developed this idea by discussing social dilemmas and what we should or would do. The children were very reflective and made thoughtful contributions.

On Thursday, along with the rest of the school, we were visited by Bishop John Sherington. Year 5 asked some fantastic questions and listened thoughtfully to his responses.

In science, we continued our new topic on forces. We investigated air resistance by dropping paper with different surface areas from a height and timing their fall. Next week, Year 5 will use this knowledge to develop their own investigations relating both surface area and air resistance.

Year 5 have really been enjoying our new class text. ‘Boy in the Tower’ is a mystery story about buildings in Camberwell suddenly falling.  It is narrated by the main character, a young boy named Ade, who lives a challenging life. The children have shown great empathy for this character and have appreciated how lucky they are to be so well taken care of.


Have a great weekend


Mrs Lines

Year 6 – 25/01/19

By Sophia, Varun, Kate and Deya

Yesterday,  Bishop John Sherrington visited our school and answered some of our questions. He also presented the two Liturgy Leaders with a Papal blessing from Pope Francis, which Mrs Heymoz had requested because our patron saint Pope Paul was made St Paul VI in October and our school is the only school named after him.

One of the questions put to the Bishop Sherrington was, “Do you find anything hard to do as a bishop?”, to which he responded that there are many difficult things he encounters in his everyday life and the hardest thing is making decisions.

Another question was, “Have you travelled around the world because of your role?”. He answered that he went to Zimbabwe and Zambia where he was invited to participate in a project for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). He explained that CAFOD were trying to equip these places with a water pump on top of a hill. Also, he went to Brazil for World Youth Day.

In response to the question “What is it like to have a a calling from God?”, he said that all of us have a calling from God somewhere in our life, and responding to it can bring great joy to our life: this is what God has asked you to do for him; do it with pride. This means that when you feel God in your presence, you will feel joy.

“What Bishop John Sherrington said that inspired me was that we each have our own calling from the start and God has a plan for us. Our job is to find out what that plan is. These words moved my heart.”

“Bishop John Sherrington inspired me because he said that no mater what, at least one moment of your life, you will have a calling from God.”

In other news this week, we had a trip down to Darkes Lane to see where we could witness God’s presence in the everyday. It was lovely to see them recognising the Holy Spirit acting through other people and in the beauty of creation, especially on a snowy morning.

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 29th January) is as follows:

English spag.com:

·        KS2 SATs Grammar Test (C)

Spellings Adjectives from our current English unit (see below for word list) – spelling sentences to be written in pink Home Learning book.

Times tables

Questions to be completed in the yellow Home Learning book:

·        CGP Year 6 book p.11 (Written Division)

Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.


Spelling list (to be tested Friday 1st February)

Adjectives from the Spiderwick’s Field Guide

malevolent benevolent
malicious vicious
devious immortal
mischievous nocturnal
ravenous deceiving
opportunistic lethal
menacing ominous

25th January, 2019

This week, we have continued with our work on Fractions and Conversion of units (including measures and time).  In RE we have continued with our topic on Sacramental people  We read the story of – Maybe God is like that too by Jennifer Grant and the children wrote about their own experiences in which they have experienced joy, peace, kindness, faithfulness, self-control, patience and gentleness. The children thought about how these experiences enable them to witness God’s presence in the words and actions of others and their own.Image result for maybe god is like that too doorman

We were joined by Henrik, a German exchange student who, over the week assisted the children in class and in the playground with their games. The children wrote special messages to him which they put into a card and presented it to him this afternoon.  Some of the children also spent time today designing and painting porcelain plates with Monika who has been working with groups of children in the school with an art focus.  The children created wonderful designs.

Yesterday, the children met Bishop John Sherrington and learnt more about him through the questions they asked him. It was lovely for the children to meet him and hear about his life as a bishop.  For some of the children, they spoke excitedly about how they had served at mass and held his mitre and crosier.  He spoke about the importance of looking after God’s world  and working for justice.

Homework has been set.  If there are any concerns, please come along to homework club on Monday and Tuesday.

The children also finished their lamp designs:

Week 3

A busy week of learning! In Science, we have continued our learning on materials. The children made posters to show objects and their properties.

On Thursday, we had a special visitor, Bishop John Sherrington. He spoke to us about his role as a bishop and we asked him lots of interesting questions. He enjoyed listening to us sing.

On Friday we led the school assembly about St Paul and his message of God’s spirit being in all of our joy. The children were fantastic! They all read and sang beautifully. We hope you all loved your beautiful smile your children gave to you.

Have a great weekend


Mrs Carey


Spring Term Week 2 Reception

Since returning from the Christmas break, Reception have been reading different versions of the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, as part of their new topic- Traditional Tales.

During this time, the children have written their own versions of the story in various different forms and have also written ‘Wanted’ posters to help find Goldilocks. They have created letters to say sorry to the three bears from Goldilocks and have made puppets, props and masks. They have made the three bears’ cottage from a range of large and small construction and have enjoyed role playing the story in the bears’ cottage in the outdoor area.

On Wednesday, the children were shocked to find that a crime had been committed! Someone had broken into the cottage, smashed up Baby Bear’s chair and made a real mess. The cottage was taped off as a crime scene! Luckily, we had lots of police detectives in the class, who were very keen to track down the suspect. Unfortunately, even though the police used all of their available resources, the criminal remains at large!

During part of our RE lesson this week, the children were introduced to their new topic, Sacramental People. The children thought about how God is all around us and within us and that he loves everyone. The children then thought about all the people who care for them at home and discussed how God is like those special loved ones, because like them, he cares for us too.

The class have enjoyed being taught gymnastics by Mr Dugan, the PE teacher from Dame Alice Owen School, for the past two Fridays. This is set to continue for the rest of this term.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Year 2 Blog Week 16

This week Year 2 led the school in an assembly all about God’s presence in our world. The children shared with the rest of the school where they see, hear and feel God’s presence. Year 2 sang beautifully and everyone delivered their lines with great confidence! Well done Year 2!

This week Year 2 had their first art lesson with our specialist art teacher. We looked at a variety of natural objects and the children sketched the different forms. There are plenty of budding artists in Year 2. 

Home learning: Religion poster, Mathletics – Addition, Spag.com –  Verb Tenses B

The Year 2 SAT’s presentation is now available on the class page in the drop-down menu.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Davey