One World Week

We had a marvelous time in Y3 learning about India during One World Week. Thank you for coming to our celebration morning, we loved sharing our learning with you. Please take a look at the giant Peacock, on the hall window, that you helped us create during celebration morning and click on this PowerPoint link to find out more about our OWW. powerpoint for clebration morning

Well done to Bella, whose estimation was the closest to the pumpkins weight.


Have a lovely half term,

Miss Pringle.

Year 6 – One World Week 2017

What a week we’ve had! Year 6 celebrated One World Week by focusing on a particular country – in our case, Poland.

The week kicked off with a geography quiz on Poland, which put Y6’s atlas skills to the test. We learnt that a total of 7 countries border Poland and that it has a coastline on the Baltic Sea.

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Our Polish history learning took us to Auschwitz and the culmination of anti-Semitism in WW2. The children wrote poems to reflect on the atrocities of the Holocaust, and I have to say that I was blown away with the quality of writing from the class.IMG_0176 IMG_0177IMG_0178 IMG_0179 IMG_0180

Following on from this, we learnt about the life and sacrifice of St Maximilian Kolbe in RE. Kolbe was a Polish priest imprisoned in Auschwitz for trying to help the Jews during the war. He volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the death camp, because the stranger had a family. We looked at the Beatitudes that Kolbe lived out through his sacrifice.

With the help of Gloria’s mum and Mrs McDonald, the children all had a go at making Pierogi (Polish dumplings). We filled ours with strawberry jam, but the variations are endless, both sweet and savoury.

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In Art, we used the Polish paper-cutting technique called Wycinanki. Using symmetry, the children cut intricate designs based around nature – particularly trees and roosters, as is traditional. They really took their time to make some fabulous designs.

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We also learnt a Polish song about passing bananas on a ship, which became a real tongue twister as the tempo got faster and faster!

Well done for the wonderful research on Poland that you brought in for your Home Learning this week. You put a lot of effort into those, and it looks like you all learnt a lot through doing it; there are certainly a lot of facts that you’ve taught me! Thank you to Gloria for showing and telling the class about traditional Polish clothes – the embroidery was amazing!

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Finally, we were treated on Friday afternoon to an exciting workshop with the Young Shakespeare Company. The children acted out Hamlet whilst predicting what would happen next. We definitely have some budding actors among us, and we are all really looking forward to going to the Wyllyotts after half term to see the play being acted out by professionals!

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Thank you to all the parents that came along to our Celebration Morning to have a look at the children’s learning from this week and the rest of the half-term. I am so proud of how hard the class have worked over the past seven weeks. Well done for putting so much effort into your learning; you deserve a nice break! Have a great half-term everyone, and I’ll see you all nice and refreshed on Monday 30th.

Miss Donatantonio

Half-term Home Learning letter


Week 7: 20th October

The half-term has arrived and this week has been a really busy one with lots of work on our chosen focus country Egypt for One World Week.  It was lovely to see so many of you this morning at our harvest assembly and afterwards in class.

We started the week using picture prompts to help us use description, action, dialogue and rhetorical questions to write some interesting short pieces.  Our Egyptian spellings for the week showed how the children earned stickers by spelling such words as pyramid, hieroglyphics, mummification…!

In Maths we used hieroglyphics to help calculate answers and write our own number sentences.  We baked ‘Cleopatra’s Palace Bread’……..using honey and dried fruit.  Did you sample some when you came today?

The children created their own Egyptian jewellery, created 3D dangling camels, cartoush art and this afternoon had an opportunity to create 3D Egyptian art.

Have a restful half-term.
Miss Varga and Mrs McNamara


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One World Week

What an exciting week of learning we have had!

Reception have enjoyed learning all about Italy during the school’s ‘One World Week’.

We made individual pizzas and some delicious lemonade. We used clay to make the Leaning Tower of Pisa. We created gondolas on a large and small scale and built replicas of the city of Venice with the large construction materials outside. The children also designed menus for an Italian restaurant and created beautiful artwork using dried pasta!

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It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Learning Celebration Morning today. The children were so excited to share their learning with you.

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Wishing you all a well deserved half term break,

The Reception Team

One World Week


Year 5 had a bonza week exploring all things Australian. We started the week with our very own bush tucker trial, where vegemite was on the menu. Take a look at Year 5’s faces and see if you can guess how they felt about the popular Aussie spread! We then followed that with a children’s party favourite, Fairybread.

In Geography, we used atlases to locate the country and discover its states. We also looked at the official and Aboriginal flags, finding what they are made up of and the meanings behind them. In history, we made connections between Britain’s and Australia’s past by looking at primary resources of transportation. The children were amazed to find out how young some of the convicts were.

In art, we took inspiration from the Aborigines and made paintings of bush wildlife using a dotted technique.

Year 5 loved making lamingtons, a cake coated in chocolate and coconut. They proved a far greater hit than the vegemite!

We also learnt about Australian music. We discovered the meaning of Waltzing Matilda, a well-known bush ballad. With a clear understanding of the lyrics, Year 5 sang beautifully and with amazing enthusiasm.

I have been really impressed with the children’s home learning this week. The posters, models and power points showed the children’s enthusiasm for learning. Well done children!

One World Week has been a fantastic end to our half term. It has been wonderful teaching the children again and it was lovely to see so many of you at our celebration morning. I wish you all a wonderful half term break.

Mrs Lines

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Home Learning

As per the school newsletter, there is no formal home learning over the half term break. Some activities have been provided on mathletics and, should you wish you child to complete them. Passwords have been sent home again if you not have a copy at home.

Spelling have been given, these will be tested on the first Friday back:

Probably, promise, purpose, quarter, question, recent, regular, reign, remember, sentence, separate, special, straight, strange and strength.





Year 2 Blog Week 7

One World Week- China

When all the people live peacefully in the world, we bring about God’s Kingdom.

It has been a wonderful week of learning in Year 2. Well done to everyone in Year 2 for their wonderful projects on China! We have enjoyed learning all about this wonderful country!  In maths we have been looking at tangrams. A tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle where you make pictures using mathematical shapes. The children enjoyed creating some different animals.





In English we looked at The Willow Pattern story. The children decorated plates with the willow pattern designs and produced some wonderful retellings.


Vegetable Spring Rolls were on the menu and the children washed their hands, rolled up their sleeves, put on their aprons and whipped up these tasty treats.














Thank you for your generous donations for the Harvest assembly. It was great to see so many of you at our celebration morning. Thank you for your continued support.

Enjoy the half term!

Ms Davey

Week 7 Blog

Jamaica, Jamaica! was Year 1’s One World Week theme and they absolutely loved it! From finding out all about the country, its landscape, human and physical features, weather and food to discovering famous people from the island and much more. They enjoyed painting the native Hummingbird, cooking rock buns and listening each afternoon to a story read in Patois. They explored the atlas to discover its position in the world and were tickled when they found out it was shaped like a guinea pig! This morning they celebrated all their new learning and understanding with their parents.  Well done Year 1 for all your achievements! Have a safe and peaceful half-term holiday and we look forward to seeing you when you return!

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Year 3 week 5

It was lovely to see so many of you this week at parents evening, thank you for your continued support.

This week we have focused on developing our mental maths skills and the children are working hard on the 2 and 3 timetables. In English we have been writing diary entries as ‘UG the boy Genius of the Stone Age’.

In art we have been using different collage techniques to create wonderful autumnal pictures and impressions of Stonehenge.

The children are working hard on their presentation and cursive handwriting – please see this link for letter for formation videos and support.

We are very much looking forward to studying India next week as our One Word Week focus and celebrating our learning with you on Friday morning.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle  IMG_0233 IMG_0232 IMG_0231 IMG_0230 IMG_0229 IMG_0227 IMG_0226 IMG_0225 IMG_0224 IMG_0223 IMG_0222 IMG_0221 IMG_0220 IMG_0219 IMG_0218 IMG_0217 Alexis

Reception Class Week 6

This week in RE, we have been learning about how God created our wonderful world. The children listened exceptionally well and were able to recall the creation story in great detail afterwards. We then drew pictures and made models of creatures from clay, to display on our prayer table.

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On Monday morning, we suddenly abandoned the classroom, as something very distracting and very exciting was happening in the field next to us! The farmer was finally harvesting his crops. This was a fantastic real life learning opportunity for the children, and we were able to use the experience to make learning links with the celebration of Harvest Festival.

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On Thursday, Mrs Theo, Mrs Heymoz, Hanna, Emily, Panayiotis and Vincent all went to the church to visit the Little Lambs Group. We wanted to tell the parents and the children all about Pope Paul School, and to invite them to come and visit us. We also managed to have some fun while we were there!

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On Wednesday, we had our first session with Mr Dugan from Dame Alice Owen School. Despite the fact that we had to stay indoors due to bad weather, we still managed to have lots of fun practising our throwing, catching and jumping skills.


Don’t forget, next Friday you are all invited to the Harvest Festival assembly. This will be followed by our Learning Celebration Morning, where you will get the chance to see some of the children’s fantastic learning on display in class. Looking forward to seeing you there!

The Reception Team

Week 6 13th October

This week has been full of more active learning.  The children have been exploring their Science topic on Sound further looking at vibration.  IMG_0212 IMG_0209 - CopyIn guided reading we have been looking at play scripts.  Some groups have been writing their own scripts whilst other groups have been acting out a script.  We have been working hard to ensure that our reading logs are up to date with our own comments about the books that we have been reading.  Keep this up as myself and Miss Varga have been enjoying reading your comments and learning about the characters in the stories you are currently reading.  In RE the children are going to examine more about The Eucharist next week.

Following our guided reading on examining a non-fictional text on Cycling, Jude, Alex, Louise, Taanya, Mia and Toni did their own research on cycling and found out many interesting facts.

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As it is One World Week next week , the children’s homework is to be based on the theme of Egypt.  Remember, homework is to be completed by you and if you need any help, there is homework club is on Monday at lunchtime.

Here are some helpful web links you may wish to use.

Log onto the British Museum website:


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara       Miss Varga