2.7.18 – 6.7.18
It has been a busy and fun filled two weeks, where the children have continued to impress us with their learning. In English we have written letters to the PM Teresa May regarding plastic pollution and in art we’ve started to make wind chimes (that look like jelly fish) using the recycled bottle tops that you have been sending in.
In maths the children have been developing their data handling skills and the children thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Oakmere library followed by a picnic in the park. The children have also met with the current Y2 children to share their experiences of Y3 and show them their wonderful learning.
It was lovely to see so many of you at sports day on Friday, the picnic was a great success as were the children’s sporting events. Well done to all the parents who took part in the parent race! Also well done to those Year 3 and 4 boys who played in the Wroxham Football tournament – you linked well as a team and played very well.
End of year celebration this Thursday:
We will be having an end of year celebration in class on Thursday afternoon (starting at 3pm and finishing at 3.30pm) This will be an opportunity to share some cake and lemonade with us and enjoy a PowerPoint of pictures and share memories from this year. We also have a little surprise for you.
Home learning this week:
Mathletics – please complete by Friday 13th.
Spelling for the next 2 weeks will be a review of Year 3 spelling lists
Miss Pringle