17th September, 2021

This week has been another busy one!

Everyone in the class has clearly worked hard on learning and reciting a short poem which was set as part of their home learning last weekend.  Well done to all those children who wrote their own poems as well.  The children enjoyed listening to one another and for those who spoke in  front of their peers, they spoke with confidence and fluently.

In Maths, the children have continued to work on place value, exploring the value of each digit in large, six-digit numbers, and what happens when they add or subtract numbers to the power of ten. Another element to this has been in building upon their understanding of using number lines to show each number in proportion to the line and other numbers with different values.

In preparation for their art work on Portraits, the children built up a sketch of an eye and a nose following a step by step plan. This also helped them to work on their hand/eye coordination.  In Science, the children have begun their topic on animals including humans and have begun to examine the changes as humans develop from birth to old age.

Continuing on the theme of baking, the children picked fruit from the apple and pear trees in the front of the school and peeled and cooked a very tasty apple and pear crumble which was sampled by them in class yesterday afternoon!  Thank you to Mrs Hilton who assisted them in the baking.

Home Learning:

Spellings: silent letters

doubt, island, lamb, solemn, thistle, knight, knickers, numb, autumn, whistle, debt, isle

Maths Home Learning this week has been set on Mathletics and Study Ladder.  If the children have any problems, please speak to me on Monday at school.

English: Using their Read Theory accounts, please log on and complete five comprehension activities. Your child’s read theory details have been sent home with them this evening.

Read your reading book for at least 15 minutes each day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Holmes








1 reply
  1. Catherine Roberts
    Catherine Roberts says:

    Thank you for giving us a peek into your busy week year 5. Disappointed that we didn’t get to taste the apple and pear crumble – sounds yummy!


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