Year 6 Home Learning 05/10/18

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 9th October) is as follows:

English Schofield & Sims English Skills : Section 1 Test 2 – to be completed in pink Home Learning book
Spellings Words from the Y3/Y4 Statutory Spelling word lists (see below for word list) – spelling sentences to be written in pink Home Learning book. The children also have 2 envelopes – one containing this week’s words and one empty one. Once they feel they are secure with a word from Envelope 1 (short-term memory), they put it into Envelope 2 (long-term memory). I could test them on their long-term memory words at any time, and they will be revisiting them in class. If they misspell a word that they’ve put into Envelope 2, it goes back into Envelope 1.

Times tables

Mathletics tasks:

·         Estimation: Add and Subtract

·         Mental Methods Multiplication

·         Mental Methods Division

·         Estimation: Multiply and Divide

Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Minimum of 30 minutes on

Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.


Spelling list (to be tested Friday 12th October)

Words from the Y3/Y4 Spelling List

exercise experience
experiment extreme
length weight
height strength
straight eight
eighth forwards
increase position
quarter various