16th November

This week we have focused on our school themes of Anti-Bullying and the UK Parliament.

The children completed some research for homework last weekend on Parliament and from this home learning, they have shown what they can discuss what  the UK Parliament is and what democracy means.  As a class, the children voted for two members to represent Year 4 in our school parliament.  The two children with the highest votes were:  Angelo and Heather.  Congratulations to them on their new positions.

On Thursday, the children had their second drumming session in which they participated with such enthusiasm and today, Friday, it was odd socks day and one in which the children participated with excitement.
Homework this week will be:

Spellings, Reading, Maths (Mathletics) and SPAG online.

Due to my error in programming the Mathletics, the children were not able to gain access to their learning activities.

I have solved the problem (as there had been a difficulty in logging on) and would like them to complete as many of the multiplication (timetables) lessons that have been set for them.  I thank you for your patience with the technical blip that occurred!

PLEASE DO NOT FORGET: we need white contributions for our class hamper box that will be part of the Main Raffle at the Christmas Fayre.  Thank you to the children who have brought items in.

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McNamara

Our Class Mass – The Eucharist

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Anti-Bullying Workshop

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UK Parliament Week

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