15th October 2021

As I sit here in the Year 5 classroom, smelling the recently cooked Oat biscuits, I reflect on another productive week. Our biographical work has continued this week with the introduction of relative clauses and relative pronouns. Through the children’s written work and presentations to the class over the last week, we now know more about the achievements and legacy of people such as Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong, Leonardo Da Vinci as well as people we may not have heard of before, such as Ruth Harkness.

These presentations have allowed the children to talk confidently to an audience with interest and engagement.

In Maths the children have continued their work on decimals and decimal fractions as well as comparing tenths and hundredths. On Wednesday at swimming the children were buzzing with excitement as they started to swim more independently and demonstrated the skills they have refined over the last few sessions. In PE this afternoon they played team-building games via a multi-skill approach.

In Art this week the children explored observational drawing with a twist: they drew a seashell without being able to see their drawing as their sketch was deliberately covered until they had completed the outline. This activity was very tricky but lots of fun!

In Science, we have continued our Topic on animals including humans by looking at and interpreting growth charts of boys and girls from birth to four years. The children enjoyed looking at how a baby’s weight increases over time.

Home Learning for this week:

  1. Mathletics – log in and complete the activities set.
  2. Read Theory – log in and complete at least five exercises. Well done to those children who have worked hard this week and made progress in their account.
  3. Read for at least 15 minutes a day and remember to complete your reading record.
  4. Spellings for this week: homophones part two:

there, their, they’re,

to, too, two,

affect, effect,

through, threw,

court, caught.

  1. Following on from the Science lesson, the children were asked to find out their birth weight and discuss with you, if possible, what has been noted in their ‘red book’ regarding their early development.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mr. Holmes