15th – 19th January in Y3

We have been focusing on multiplication in Y3 this week, making links to addition and using arrays to help us solve tricky word problems. The children have created a wonderful ‘array city’ display – Maybe over the weekend you could look for arrays on buildings or in everyday life.


The children have also been working hard to develop their mental fluency – maybe they could help estimate a shopping bill or challenge you to a 4 timetables race!

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In English we have been learning about and identifying similes, metaphors and personification. Next week we are going to be using these writing techniques in our own stories.

I have seen a real improvement in the children’s fitness levels over the year and they have really impressed me in P.E. swimming and our fitter future sessions – well done Y3.


In RE we are focusing on the Exodus story. The children are now able to navigate the Bible and have sequenced the events of Exodus.

We also had a visit from the NSPCC this week, which the children found very interesting – thank you Mrs McNamara for organizing it.

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Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle