Good morning,
I hope you are all well and enjoying this week’s learning. Here are photo’s of Kate and Eric taking part in the Home Olympics, Sophie skating and writing and Max’s ‘flat’ photo. Ela-Maria, Max, Matteo and Ti have also been busy with their daily descriptive writing and photography projects.
Remember that you can share your learning with me by emailing year3@popepaul.herts.sch.ukHere are your tasks for today.
Take care,
Miss Pringle
Pope Paul Olympics. |
Pope Paul Home Olympics – please open this link Home Olympics and complete today’s challenge 14.5.20.
Remember to record your scores and have fun. |
Spelling | Write each of this week’s spelling words into your writing book and highlight the root word ‘uni’ or ‘struct’ to help you remember how to spell the word. Ask someone to test you one last time before tomorrow.
instruct structure construction instruction instructor unit union united universe university
English and digital photography Day 4
You are all doing brilliantly with this daily writing and photography project.
Today is your last day of new writing and photography as tomorrow you are going to edit and publish your favourite one.
Remember to vary your sentence starters, use adjectives and edit your writing. |
One of the reading skills we focus on in Y3 is inference.
Readers who make inferences use the clues in the text along with their own experiences to help them predict what is happening. Read these statements and discuss with an adult what you infer. When you are completing your daily reading, try to use the clues to predict what might happen next or why a character might be acting in a particular way. |
Daily time table and division timed tasks. |
Continue to practise your mental recall of multiplication and division facts ready for a test tomorrow.
https://www.mathschase.com/all-games/ https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/544/Stone-Age-Stu-Times-Tables Where you can select the 3, 4 and 8 times tables and division facts. You are able to select the number of questions and the time in which you complete them. As you grow in confidence please challenge yourself by increasing the number of questions or decreasing the time in which you complete them. Challenge If you are confident with your 3, 4 and 8 times tables please try this time table grid activity. http://maths-starters.co.uk/tables_torture.html You will need to select the size of your grid and set difficulty. |
Sending a hug in the post! |
As we are unable to see many of our friends and family still, I thought you might like to send them a hug in the post to let them know you are thinking of them. Here are some ideas for you to magpie. Don’t forget to write them a special message too.