11th September Whole School Assembly

Dear Parents,

This week has seen the children settle in to the new routines of school. It has also been lovely to welcome back children to our Breakfast Club and After School Club. This week our new reception children had the opportunity to visit the school and meet the Reception teaching team as well as enjoying a school dinner. We look forward to welcoming them next week as they start their Pope Paul journey. On Monday we welcomed Aram to Year 2, Moini to Year 3 and Samuel to Year 4. We hope that they will be very happy at our school.

This week, Niamh Bell, one of our past pupils, has been working with Years 5 and 6. Niamh is off to the University of Cambridge to study a PGCE in secondary teaching and so as part of this course spent time with us learning about the importance of primary education. We wish her well in her future career.

Today our year 6 class took part in a Leadership Reflection Workshop at OLASV. They joined the Parish Mass and then had the opportunity to reflect on the qualities of good leadership and to meet in their house groups to discuss what they would like to organise as part of our Year of Hope. Thank you to Father Shaun, Mrs Joyce, Miss Donatantonio and Mrs McDonald for supporting this event.

This week we held our virtual meet the teacher sessions which are available on the Class pages of our website. I hope you found the information useful; please let us know via email or phone if you have any queries regarding arrangements or procedures.

Enjoy the assembly below.

Liz Heymoz
