Good Morning Y3,
You have worked brilliantly this week – well done.
Thank you for your May procession photos and video clips. Please email me your photo today if you haven’t done so already.
Here is today’s learning.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend,
Miss Pringle
Spelling/ handwriting
Spelling test – put the short date in your writing book and the numbers 1- 10 in the margin then ask someone to test you on the 10 ary words written in your handwriting book on Monday. Good luck.
Give yourself a percentage out of 100 just as we do in class.
10/10 = 100% 9/10 = 90 % |
WALT use noun phrases to
Please open the link below and look at the picture of an underwater scene. Improve the sentences I have written by adding an adjective (describing word) or preposition (word explaining where or when something happens). The first one has been done for you. |
Visit this website https://readon.myon.co.uk/library/browse.html
and explore their free books. Remember to record what you have read. |
I have set you a timed activity on Mathletics about timetables. |
WALT know the ways that we can honour Mary during May.
Create a prayer corner or table in honour of Mary – use or draw a picture of Mary if you do not have a statue.
Write out the Hail Mary and decorate OR write your own prayer to Mary. Use this PowerPoint to support your learning. |